The fact…

Life is very precious but  so many of us play down its importance and misbehave. Everyone of us had a “big” picture of a personality we dreamt to be while growing up. It’s either we caught a never existed picture or we were too lazy to bring this “pictures” to reality. Let me quickly define ad explain laziness in two ways: 1.laziness of the mind. People who find themselves in this type of laziness always live ad stay around people who could help them with everything they need.  When such people are not within their reach, they fall into acts such as stealing ad fraudulent activities. 2.laziness of sight. People who live with this type of laziness are talk actives, they talk about other people success but can never take steps to better their own lives. They keep themselves always busy in places they could get information about the bank  accounts of celebrities, the latest news about hw much they make, where they live, their best food, d designers they use and the series of programs they have to attend to. This people spend more time talking unprofitable talks rather than going into action on how to better their own lives. Friends;never move with such people… More coming. God bless uuuuuuu..